So often, when we hear that someone has a “calling” on their lives, we assume that they are called into full-time ministry in the church… and honestly, that is the nature of the photos I wanted to share today, but, that is not the only type of calling a person can have. For me, I’ve heard the beckons of my camera for many years now, and I answered it. And I did not start out as a “professional photographer” who relied on the earnings from this “ministry” as my sole income – no. As a matter of fact, it has been a process, but it is one that I’m glad I took. How many of us have these inklings, these proclivities, these leanings, these passions, and these talents that lay dormant in us? How many of us have heard people tell us that we are really really good at something, but we get scared to move forward with it? Again, I am not implying that you should quit your job, I only want to encourage you to not let your talents pass you by.
Recently, I had a headshot portrait session with a youth pastor in Pennsylvania. The session was great, well-run, and I felt the images really captured his personality and his calling… But what really stood out when I was touching up the images was how his entire “look” came together. He had the ascots, the ties, ultimate color coordination, Luis sunshades, jackets, vests, and then some – and he only did 3 outfit changes. But the reason that so much attention and detail went into the stylistic elements was because someone else was walking in their calling. On the set, the Pastor had his Style Consultant putting his outfits together and just making sure that he was wearing all of the accessories the right way. His Consultant was willing to take risks with some of the outfits, and pair things that you might not automatically pair together, but it all worked, well. So when you see the final product, know that it wasn’t only my ability to capture this Pastor – not at all. What you see is all 3 of us – the Pastor, the Style Consultant, and myself – walking in our callings! My question to you is what is your calling, and are you walking in it?
By the way, if you see something you like, leave a comment below!