Reppin’ JC!

A few weeks ago, I had the opportunity to photograph a few Christian rappers at Spingarn High School in Washington, DC.  This was a nice change from my normal family and engagement portraits, but we still had a great time.  See select images below, and look out for their first LP!


The Rapping DuoFlowin SoloThe Whole CrewRaps, Laughs, and Snaps

The “Ugly” Duckling

I have always heard the phrase “the ugly duckling,” but it was not until this past weekend that it really made sense to me.  Well, God made only good things, but, and there should not be a but…  But, what I noticed is that ducklings don’t look too much like the older mature ducks (their parents).  Last weekend, at the park, I noticed these ducks waddling around between the grassy area and the pond.  As I looked at these mixed-colored brown ducks, I was perplexed as to how they would eventually don the beautiful long black feathers along their neck and shed the yellow feathers on their chest in exchange for the clean looking white ones.  I felt like the birds they would be were beautiful, and the birds they were right now left much to be desired.  And again, I could not reconcile how this transformation was going to take place.

But I guess that’s how life goes sometimes.  We know what the outcome is going to be, but often times, our situation looks so far from that outcome… so much so that we speak negatively about the “now” and lose hope for the “what we shall be.”  Sometimes, we even allow people to speak negatively about our now and act as though that is all we ever shall be… but let that no longer be the case.  I have all confidence in the world that those ducklings I saw shall too grow out of this “not-so-cute” stage and become beautiful ducks with a gorgeous set of feathers.  Hey, that’s how they work; that’s in their life cycle.  And when all is said and done, their former appearance will be but a distant memory (and honestly, these feathered creatures probably won’t remember their former look).  All that said, I declare to you too today, that no matter what the situation looks like right now, know that this is temporary… eyes have not seen, nor ear heard, nor has it entered into the hearts of man the great things God has prepared for them that love Him and wait patiently on Him!  Remember, don’t focus on what it looks like now, focus on that which shall be! Every so often, I have to intentionally speak life… and know that as I speak on these waves to y’all, I am also speaking encouragement to myself!!!

The Ugly Duckling

Lone Duckling



Photographs at a Catholic Cathedral

A few weeks ago, my brother and I went to a DC Catholic Cathedral to shoot around.  I was partially interested in the venture because I wanted to see what he could do with the camera, so that I could possibly hire him on to be a second shooter for me at weddings and events and portrait sessions.  Well, it was clear to me, that we definitely have different photographic interests: I prefer people, he prefers scenes!  Nonetheless, we were able to capture some nice images with and without people.  Here are some of the images from this session.  The images of me are compliments of my brother, Darren Payne (thanks bro)!


CathedralDarren ShootingMy Nice SkyPurple FLowers

Darren L.Victoria J.

A Higher Calling…

So often, when we hear that someone has a “calling” on their lives, we assume that they are called into full-time ministry in the church… and honestly, that is the nature of the photos I wanted to share today, but, that is not the only type of calling a person can have.  For me, I’ve heard the beckons of my camera for many years now, and I answered it.  And I did not start out as a “professional photographer” who relied on the earnings from this “ministry” as my sole income – no.  As a matter of fact, it has been a process, but it is one that I’m glad I took.  How many of us have these inklings, these proclivities, these leanings, these passions, and these talents that lay dormant in us?  How many of us have heard people tell us that we are really really good at something, but we get scared to move forward with it?  Again, I am not implying that you should quit your job, I only want to encourage you to not let your talents pass you by.

Recently, I had a headshot portrait session with a youth pastor in Pennsylvania.  The session was great, well-run, and I felt the images really captured his personality and his calling… But what really stood out when I was touching up the images was how his entire “look” came together.  He had the ascots, the ties, ultimate color coordination, Luis sunshades, jackets, vests, and then some – and he only did 3 outfit changes.  But the reason that so much attention and detail went into the stylistic elements was because someone else was walking in their calling.  On the set, the Pastor had his Style Consultant putting his outfits together and just making sure that he was wearing all of the accessories the right way.  His Consultant was willing to take risks with some of the outfits, and pair things that you might not automatically pair together, but it all worked, well.  So when you see the final product, know that it wasn’t only my ability to capture this Pastor – not at all.  What you see is all 3 of us – the Pastor, the Style Consultant, and myself – walking in our callings!  My question to you is what is your calling, and are you walking in it?

By the way, if you see something you like, leave a comment below!

Woodgrain shoes and chair

Just the Head

The Luis'

All Suited Up

Cool, Calm, and Collected


What’s a Summer without a Picnic?

As the title says, “What’s a summer without a picnic?”  Summertime is such an ideal time to be outside –

the sun beating against your back,
sounds of children at play,
basketballs beated against heated pavements,
mixed with sounds of unrefereed players calling fouls and travels,
smells of bar-b-que’d meats
crunching of potato chips in between laughs,
looking in the mirror hours later,
amazed at the five shades darker your bronzy skin tone has become,
friends gathered round,
bright colors,
light, flowing dresses…
Looking forward to the next bar-b-que!

See images below of church picnic and the moments that followed…

The Bread Rolls

The Pulled Pork

Beans and Things

Serving up the Food


Candid Moments


Mother and Son

Ladies Hanging Out

The Kids' Shoes

Coming out of the Moon Bounce

The Kickball Players

Young Men

Victory and Excitement

Getting Back in the Kiddie Pool

A big part of the Christian faith is the ordinance of Baptism.  Some were baptized as babies while others made their own decision later in life, but regardless of the time a person gets baptized, it is supposed to be a physical display of an inward change.  At Grace Covenant’s recent Family Festival, they allotted some time to allow people to be baptized in front of everyone in attendance.  And since, it’s not about where the baptism happens, but rather about the heart of the person getting baptized, they re-purposed a kiddie pool.  Everything went well until one of the taller members of the congregation got baptized… Miraculously he did fit in the pool once immersed in the water, but I think the people right around the pool got splashed when he came up!  The entire baptism session was beautiful and full of love and support!  See the images below!

Explanation of the Baptism

Coming up out of the water

Watching from the Back


Brand New

Coming Out


Going Down

Sins washed away

Hold Your Nose...

The AND1 Mix Tape

There are few sports that I really enjoy watching, and basketball is at the top of that list.  Interestingly enough, I had not really photographed too many basketball games (probably because I am trying to play or just watch it).  Anyway, at a church picnic last week in DC, I had the opportunity to photograph the much contested basketball tournament.  Now I will admit that I did not think I’d take as many pictures as I did from it, but y’all know how basketball games go… 2 minutes on the clock can equate to 30 more minutes of a game and/or overtime.  Anyway, the emotions were real and raw, passes were intercepted, shots were blocked, and anyone that wasn’t supposed to be on the court was emphatically reminded of that fact.  I really believe that the guys always play as hard as they were and it had nothing to do with two young ladies walking around them with cameras… Anyway, see the images below.

Shots Blocked

Passing the Ball

Watching the Game

Coming down the court

Taking a Shot


Eyes on the Prize

Up in the Air

Blocking in the Air

More Shots

Up above your head


Lean Back

Going for the Ball

Hoping it will go in

Looking like Air Jordan

AND AFTER BLOOD, SWEAT, AND TEARS (maybe there was no blood, but it sounded more dramatic)… THE WINNERS ARE….

The Winners