Getting Back in the Kiddie Pool

A big part of the Christian faith is the ordinance of Baptism.  Some were baptized as babies while others made their own decision later in life, but regardless of the time a person gets baptized, it is supposed to be a physical display of an inward change.  At Grace Covenant’s recent Family Festival, they allotted some time to allow people to be baptized in front of everyone in attendance.  And since, it’s not about where the baptism happens, but rather about the heart of the person getting baptized, they re-purposed a kiddie pool.  Everything went well until one of the taller members of the congregation got baptized… Miraculously he did fit in the pool once immersed in the water, but I think the people right around the pool got splashed when he came up!  The entire baptism session was beautiful and full of love and support!  See the images below!

Explanation of the Baptism

Coming up out of the water

Watching from the Back


Brand New

Coming Out


Going Down

Sins washed away

Hold Your Nose...