Personal Photo Editing :: Ain’t Nobody Got Time for That!

As a photographer and teacher, there are so many photos – I mean thousands upon thousands of photos – that I just never edit or really look through on a real computer.  I prioritize paid projects of course, and then if someone asks me to do a special project, I will try to fit that in.  During the school year, I have to get my lesson planning done and sometimes I want to do fun things for the kids, like make a PowerPoint Presentation with YouTube links to make the lesson more “engaging!”  Well, with all of that, I hardly ever just edit my “for fun” photos or moments with family and friends.  Last year, I took photos of my cousins’ newborn, and I edited a photo or two in the airport and posted it online.  I later edited another 3 or so (and never posted them anywhere), but of those 100+ photos, I have hardly made a dent in them.  It all just takes time – that limited precious resource!!!!!!

Well, I am determined this summer to carve some time out to edit some of my personal photos – even if it means staying up a little later!  The truth is, I love looking at memories captured with a real camera (sorry cell phone paparazzis – there is only so much the iPhone or latest Samsung Galaxy can do for you!) because they allow me to see the joys of life and the bonds of family and friends!  With that in mind, tonight, I was browsing through some of my many unedited folders of photos from this year, and I ran across this image of my Dad and I that was taken at my parents’ house around his birthday back in February.  What I remember from that day is that he shared, “Vicky, you know you didn’t have to get me a gift.  You being here is enough for me.”  And even though my hair was really not done, I love this pictures because I see in it that my Dad’s words are true; he meant what he said.  Me being there was all it took to bring a smile to his face!

Dad and Me!

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