Dad’s Bar-B-Que Ribs

Somewhere in my childhood, I discovered the joy of eating ribs.  I can remember every summer holiday (and in Texas, that’s anything between March and October) filled with the smell of Bar-B-Que smoke as Dad grilled hotdogs, hamburgers, ribs, and brisket.  Back in those days, pigs were in and chickens were out… Well in my latter years, I have let the pig go, but occasionally my taste buds take to flight when I indulge in some artfully bar-b-qued beef ribs.  They always take me back to those middle school moments when I did not know how to do my hair and my teeth were too big for my face, but it was in those moments that I could just appreciate good food and not think too hard about bar-b-que sauce getting on my shirt or the issue with eating potato salad and potato chips in the same sitting.

Many, many years since the care-free days of my youth, I have yet to meet someone who can bar-b-que a rib quite like my Dad!  Perhaps it’s the near-Memphis roots or the rights of passage in the Texas soil that produced such a technique and sauce – I’m not sure, but whatever the case, I always have room for some of my Dad’s BBQ Ribs!  See what I’m talking about below!

My Ribs