The Right Photo Adds Just the Right Touch

At least since High School (if not before), I have had a deep love for the camera and the beautiful images that it can yield.  I mean, I will photograph almost anything from feet and shoes to flowers and limbs of trees to people that are looking at me crazy.  I save all of the photographs that I take because I never know when I’ll need it for a graphics project (or gift).

By capturing just the right image in  just the right way, and with carefully placed words, you can make someone want to order some pasta with shrimp scampi, make a woman adjust how she applies her shadow, or even encourage someone to give to an organization. Perhaps its the marketer in me, but when I get ready to do graphic design work, I immediately think of what type of photography that I am going to need to convey my message. There are numerous stock photography sites that have a wealth of great images that could suit most anyone’s graphic needs, but recently when I was working on a flyer for a local church’s picnic, I immediately thought of an image I’d taken of some cupcakes a while back (you can see the full image under the desserts category).  The final product was just right (in my option, at least)!  We’ll know for sure when we see how many people attend the event.

Saver the date flyer for picnic with cupcakes