Holiday Visits

My Aunts RoomThe holidays for me have always represented an opportunity to visit with family and friends.  My memories are marked by video cameras, Canon cameras (my Dad and my Uncle had Canon SLRs during my childhood, but for whatever reason, I went with the Nikon suite), food and desserts for everyone, parties, the purple Motown Christmas album (up until 1998, we played the actual vinyl album every Christmas), games, presents hidden in the Christmas tree, and children playing.  Now that I am getting a little older, we do gifts less, but for the past 3 years, I have not missed my annual trip back home to TX to spend the holidays with family and friends.Out there, among other family, I have a great aunt that lives in a nursing home, and last year, we paid her a visit.

Now, I didn’t know too much about her, but she knew exactly who I was… as a matter of fact, she had pictures of me on her wall since my Grandma sent them to her.  Now, in the whole scheme of a year, visiting with her for an hour or two does not seem like much.  But when you think about how many visits she gets in a year, it places a premium on that one visit.  As the viewers of my blog, I want to encourage you all to visit your loved ones, if you can… especially those that lived in assisted living facilities.  Your time will mean the world to them, even if you think they don’t even know you’re there.  You bring a little something special by just being there!

Below is one of my favorite pictures this season from a recent portrait session in Pennsylvania.  What I love about it is her genuine expression and implied wisdom.  Remember to spread the love this holiday season!


A Special Bond

No matter what kind of portrait session I find myself at, I am always amazed by the dynamics between family members, couples, or friends.  Honestly, unless I’ve seen the individuals interact previously, I don’t know what I will get, but I am more than ready to work with it!  In a recent family portrait session, I was excited to see the firm bonds between the children and their parents.  As a matter of fact, these elementary-aged children enjoyed being photographed with their parents (and readily did the activities that I proposed).  As I processed through the photographs last night, I reflected on why this was so significant.  Now, I do not have any children of my own, but the more and more I “live” I see the sacrifices that parents make for their children.  I see the price that working adults pay as they get up in the morning to go to jobs that may not be as exciting just to be able to provide a better life for their legacy.  Then occasionally, I run across one of those ungrateful children that feels entitled to the fruits of their parents’ labor.  Or worst yet, I remember my own days in middle school and high school when I had the nerve to think I dressed better than my parents, the same people that purchased the very clothes I wore.  I had the nerve to be embarrassed to be seen in the school hallways or the mall with my parents, even though I expected them to cover the bill of our shopping exploits.  I say all of this to share the beauty of the exchanges between mother and son and father and daughter.  They were truly precious moments, moments that I hope last, moments that I hope can be reflected upon with a smile!  I don’t imagine that too many children read this blog (because I can get a little lengthy), but to the parents, I say, remember that no matter what your children do, they really do still love you!  When they get to those teenage years, remember that it is just a phase, and soon enough, they will be on their own working and will start to value the sacrifices you made for them!

Below are images from a recent family portrait session in Glen Burnie, MD.  By the way, if you see something you like, please do not hesitate to leave a comment below!

Father and Daughter

Mother and Son

Cool, Calm, and Collected

Laughing Hard

Rock Star

Too Precious



“Something New”

No matter what age we find ourselves, we should live like this is the best time to be alive and not be afraid to try something new.  Now, I’m not saying we should live recklessly, but please do have fun; be jovial every so often!  Laugh out loud!

I recently had the pleasure of photographing a graduate student/classmate of mine in a headshot session, and we had a good time!  I definitely got the typical headshot poses in, but we also took advantage of a pool table and the lounge area at our location.  As we continued with the session and she willingly tried the things I suggested, I was thinking about how she is going to be in the classroom when she starts teaching next year.  Since she is going to be working with the little children, I am sure that she is going to have to be jovial at times with the kids, sing songs, and just try different things.  I don’t think that any lesson plan is one-size fits all, especially not with the Pre-K, Kindergarten, or 1st grade children, so she will have to be flexible.  She might even have to do some things she doesn’t want to do with that age group, like the Pre-K teacher I was observing last week had to do (I will spare you all the details, but know that it wasn’t pretty).   But I do know that no matter what, she will succeed with the children because she has a heart for them and she is not afraid of trying something new!

See select images from this session below from this Maryland headshots session.

By the way, if you see something you like, please do not hesitate to leave a comment!


Up Close and Personal

Ready for the World

Taking it Easy

peering through the leaves

Laid back

shooting some pool


Passionately Purple!

I recently had the pleasure of photographing a portrait session with a mother and her daughter.  Interestingly enough when I was looking through the proofs, I surprised myself as only about 16% of the images were in black and white.  Now when I do portrait sessions, unless requested otherwise  by my clients, I will tend to make a larger percentage (maybe 30-40%) of the images to be in black and white because that makes the images look like instant vintage (classics)!  Perhaps this stems from my first photography class in college when all we shot in was black and white, but truth be told, I had an affinity for black and white even before that.  I remember one day back when I was in high school or my freshman year of college, I contacted my best friend and told her that I wanted to do a photo shoot of her in black and white.  It was perfect because I planned on doing some deep finger waves in her hair and making her look like she was in the 1920’s.  Well, if you would believe, my friend went and got her hair done in twists with a ponytail.  She looked nice, but it wasn’t what I wanted for my photo shoot.

Alright, I digressed… With this recent portrait session, it was not long before I realized why I left so many of the images in color:  they were wearing my favorite color!  So yes, as a photographer, I do have a little color bias – I admitted it!   But in all honesty, the shades of purple they wore were so vibrant, and they especially popped against the complimentary golden color of the fall leaves in the background!

Below I have included images from a recent family portrait session at Valley Garden Park in Greenville, DE.  By the way if you’re ever in the Wilmington, DE area, you should definitely check out this park; there are so many photo-ops!

DISCLAIMER:  If you see something you like, please don’t hesitate to leave a comment!

Posing in the Street

Laughing on the Grass

Laughing from another angle

A Mother's Love

Intelligent Women

Hopping and Skipping

Hopping and Skipping 2

A Proud Mother

Mother and Daughter

Baby Love

For those of you who have been with me since the beginning of this blog, you will remember this beautiful Virginia couple that I photographed during a maternity session back in February (I think that was blog post #2, “She’s Having a Baby”).  Well, six months ago, little Mark Jr. graced the world with his presence, and a few weeks ago, I had the pleasure of capturing him and his parents in a family portrait session.  The highlight of the afternoon for me was the moment that I knew which image was going to be my favorite image from the entire session!  This happened when I was getting a photograph of Dad and baby on the ground, and I was trying to capture their natural interaction.  Well just like in the portrait session in February, Dad knew exactly what to do to get a smile, laugh, and priceless expression from one of the loves of his life!  The end result was as my Granddad would say, “Beautiful!”

Check out images below from this Virginia Family Portrait Session. Side Note:  If you see something you like, PLEASE don’t hesitate to leave a comment!

The Whole Family

The Whole Family 2

The Whole Family 3

Dad and Baby

Dad and Baby 2

Mom and Baby

Walking with Mommy and Daddy

Standing Up With Help

Mommy and Daddy

Let the Boys Do What Boys Do…

When photographing people, I often times get to direct the session.  I tell this person to tilt their head to the right, and then tell that person to put her hand on his shoulder.  Well, I am normally the one calling the shots, but when there are children… When there are children, there is no formula.  You may try something and it just doesn’t work.  Or you may encounter a child with their own agenda… Whatever situation you have, you just have to be flexible, and let the kids be kids!  In order to let the children be themselves, I will often incorporate the things they like into the set.  For example, we used a toy guitar with one boy today, and in another session, we used candy.  I often like to let children run and jump and take a couple of pictures with their silliest faces.  I will work with them in exchange for their cooperation with me!

Interestingly enough I have to employ some of these same approaches when I am in the classroom.  I found something that a child identifies with, and then I use that thing to help them grasp a concept or do what I need them to do.  Just this past week, I was observing in a Pre-K class where a little boy was not eating a Lunchable that his mother packed.  I had already observed that he had some fascination with Spiderman because Spiderman was on his backpack, his lunch bag, and his jacket.  So I started speaking with the little boy, and I let him know that in order for Spiderman to be able to jump from building to building, he has to eat his food so that he could get strong.  Thankfully this approach worked for the 3-year old, and I later used the same Spiderman appeal to help him stop crying after he got the “books” sticker when he wanted the “basketball” sticker.

Back to Photography :: Recently, I had the opportunity to photograph a mother and her son in Maryland, and let me tell you, her son was full of all the zeal and energy that little boys have!  My favorite shot from the session was when we used the candy that he was eating in the photos.  I had he and his mother throw the candy up in the air and then try to catch it.  Again, I did not use a formula!  I just let the boy do what boys do! … and that’s play!  See select photographs below.

By the way, if you see something you like, PLEASE leave a comment below!

Throwing Candy

Catching Candy

Mother and Son

Son Laughing

The Itsy Bitsy Spider

At the Park

Getting Tickled on the Slide

Hanging from the Monkey Bars

The Challenge :: 12 Looks, 1 Hour

One of the most interesting things for me to do is to look at images taken over the years by others and myself.  I can see a hat or a print on a shirt or the cut of someone’s jeans and immediately identify the time period that the image was taken in.  By looking at the length of the sleeves or the colors of the leaves in the background, I can tell what season or holiday these images were taken during.  The details in each image provide the context for which we remember or can relate to the images.

Generally down for a challenge, I gladly accepted a project recently to take photographs of a friend wearing 12 different outfits in one hour.  Well, despite all of our efforts, we could not contain the photos and transformations to 60 minutes, but we managed to use our set in such a way as to not make the photos look like they all have the same background.  For certain looks, I was able to steer clear of the leaves and clear signs of fall so that my viewers would not make the connection with fall for a more summery look.  I have included select images from this session below for you all to be the judge on how I did!  By the way, the first image is definitely a fall look, but the others range from winter to summer to just before fall!

And before I forget, if you see something you like, please leave a comment below!

Fall Look

Celebration Look

Walking Down the Street Look

A Romantic Look

A Football Look