Well for most of my life, well at least as long as I could remember the phrase, I have heard, “You look just like you mother.” As I got a little older, it became, “She just spit you out.” I can even recall one time when I was in high school or undergrad, someone asked, “Are you sisters?” I was like, come on now, that may be a compliment to her, but you are adding like 20 years to me (sadly I have to admit that at that time, I may have been a tad bit vain, just a little). Anyway, she went natural (with her hair) before I did, and once I did let the relaxer go, I still kept my hair straight, while straight for mom has been maybe 2 times since 2002. Needless to say, I don’t hear of how much we look as often now as I used to when we both donned the straight, flowing tresses, but still people will come up to me and say, “I saw your mama, and you look just like her.” This is where the phrase “the one who looks like me sometimes” comes from.
Well, one Sunday a few weeks ago, I pieced an outfit together of what I had. I was in Delaware, so I did not have my entire wardrobe at my disposal, and I sadly I forgot to bring the shoes that I would have rather worn with this particular outfit, but it worked. I paired a white summer dress with purple flowers with a classic ruffled black sweater, a black braided belt and some black strappy sandels that my mother purchased for me a few years ago. On my way out the door, mom saw me and complimented me on the ensemble. Well, fast forward 3 or 4 hours to when her and dad came home from church. How shocked I was to see her white summer dress with yellow flowers paired with a black sweater and a black belt and the yellow version of the shoes she had purchased for me. Honestly, mom was jocking the entire outfit – really! So then she got this idea that we should go outside and take pictures, and of course I was game for that! She went into her stash and found some gorgeous purple jewelry to accessorize my outfit, and then we went from there.
I hope you all realize that I was just playing around when I said my mom was jocking the entire outfit. Ok, maybe there was a little truth there, but really, most of the outfit that I was wearing was from her closet. I purchased the white dress, but that was her sweater that I keep trying to convince her to pass on my way, and she had just given me the belt that night before (I did not beg her for that, but was thankful for the addition), and of course she purchased the shoes. So… perhaps… we may like some similar styles, I just like think I add a younger twist to it. Nevertheless, below are some images from our mini-shoot. I thank my Dad for joining the Victoria J. Productions payroll in taking these shots! By the way Dad, your check will be forthcoming – I’ll have my people call your people 😉
Below are some of the images from our quick after-service session! We did the Kid-N-Play move at one point, and some other poses. I hope that my clients can see that I don’t ask them to do anything that I won’t do myself, like being really exaggerated (see the walking pose) and laughing on the spot. It all adds to the energy and excitement that will be captured in the frame! Enjoy!

Thank You Mom for all that you are, all that you’ve sacrificed, and all that you have been and will be in my life!!!!! I love you immensely!