Today was what I called my graduation ceremony, although the official ceremony will be on Saturday. The reason today was official in my mind is because today I got to walk across the stage and receive a case for my diploma. I was able to hear my entire name called out, and I was able to stop for “official” photographs from the photography company that was contracted out. You know, these are the things I have come to expect in a graduation ceremony. Well, on Saturday, we won’t get all of that pomp and circumstance. My name will not be called, nor will I walk across the stage. I still find this phenomenon interesting to say the least, but I am content to know that I will have two opportunities to wear this $55 robe and cap instead of just one like I did in high school and undergrad.
Interestingly enough, people have asked me if I was going to attend the Saturday ceremony as if it really were optional. Perhaps I am just old school, but I believe that you GO to your graduation, if for no one else than your family and those that helped you get that point. Believe me, whether or not they admit, they WANT to see you walk across that stage and hear your name called, especially mamas.
Soooo… come rain or shine, I will be there on Saturday at my “real graduation” because this is the start of something new! It’s the commencement to my journey into the classroom with some of God’s most precious gifts: children! I don’t yet have any of my own, but I look forward to being able to pour into those of others (in the meantime).
Below, I have included images from my recent “graduation.” I must give photographic credits to my dad and mom. I love y’all! Thanks for always being there for me!!!!! I also wanted to shout out my aunts and cousins that came out and supported me today during this affair! I love y’all too, and each of you has played a critical role in my success today! My brother is coming out on Saturday, so I am giving him a special thanks in advance!
I figured this was the day to look cute because it may rain on Saturday, and if you know anything about natural hair and rain, you’ll know that today was the better picture day!