Over the years, my biggest fan has always been my mom! Even when my work was subpar, she was still there cheering me on, buying multiple copies of my work, etc. Now, I have the pleasure of being her cheerleading squad!!!! This past weekend, I saw my momperform in her second dance recital. WoW!!!! I was absolutely astonished that she was not only in twice as many routines as last year, but that she did some rolls on the ground and got her leg up… She was doing some of the same moves that the teens and twentysomethings were doing! In my amazement, I am reminded that often times, we put ages on activities, and we limit people’s abilities. However, where there is a will, there is a way! If you put your mind to doing it, you can achieve it… just know that there may be some sweat that goes along with the success. Well, my mother showed out in her recital last weekend, and I was so very proud of her! As a matter of fact, our entire family was so very proud of mom!!!!! Here is a quick snapshot for this past weekend.