After you’ve photographed enough family portrait and headshot sessions, you pretty much know what will work, and you can almost go on autopilot during a photo session… unless you have a child on the set! Children add such an element of surprise as you don’t know what mood they will be in or how long they will be willing to work with you. On this note, you also don’t know if they will be able to get into the poses that you want them to or if they will start creating their own poses instead of doing the ones that you have suggested. Even more related, you don’t know if they will have so much fun doing the things you asked them to do to the extent that they want to continue to do the same thing for the rest of the session. No matter what happens, it’s always a new experience and the kids keep my job interesting and exciting!
I recently had the pleasure of photographing a family in Washington, DC at the beautiful Meridian Hill Park, and what a joy this session was! The daughter was so precious and such a pleasure to work with that I asked her mother if the little girl could regularly come with to portrait sessions as my designated “Poser.” I have included images from this session below, and if you see something you like, PLEASE FEEL FREE TO COMMENT BELOW!
The Whole Family
Daddy and Me
Mommy and Me
That Game We Play
Look How High I can Jump!
Mommy and Daddy Showing Me Love!
Stuck in the Middle!