I think we can all agree that 2020 has been a crazy year! We started the year in the hospital with my son connected to a ventilator… Weeks later, I witnessed my bestie tie the knot, celebrated another birthday, created teaching resources for Black History Month, and then it all changed… We celebrated birthdays and anniversaries in quarantine… made plans, changed plans, and still don’t know what the next month will bring… but no matter the circumstance, I am thankful for LIFE. Everyday is a gift! Everyday gives us an opportunity to do something that we may not have done before. Last week, I watched my son, who was content to just reach the piano keys and hear a sound… He did not need to know how to play a song on the piano… he just wanted to touch and hear the keys before moving on to the next thing. Watching him reminds me to be PRESENT in each of my moments. Planning has its place, but in this season, I want to enjoy what each moment brings. Eventually, the pace of our lives will pick back up, but right now, I am going to stop focusing on what I can’t control, and play with the keys I can reach!