Last year, I photographed a Virginia family around the holidays. Well, after purchasing a new home in the area, they asked me to photograph them once more in their beautiful new home. This session was lots of fun as I got to meet a new furry addition to their family. See select images below.
Victoria! Your work is AMAZING! You really have an eye for good photography! I wish you much success in this. Judging from your photos, success is definitely an inevitability for you. GREAT JOB! Wakeela
Hi, really like the appearance of ones website. Can you mind saying what theme youre making use of? I’m not used to this and i am hoping to have mine looking anywhere close to cool as yours. Many thanks.
Wedding planning
Hi there! I modified a wordpress template called something with pastels. Anyway, I modified the color scheme and got rid of the flowers. I put the film roll on there. I used to design websites, so messing around with the code does not bother me at all!