I was listening to the news today, and I caught one of the stories on the famine in Africa. My heart was crushed as I thought about this utter level of devastation. As I watched the story, I was actually preparing dinner with plenty of nutritional elements and choice. I ate alone and I had plenty to share, but it was as if I could not just reach through the screen and share with the children who obviously needed it. In reality, I couldn’t just reach through the screen… but I wanted to. Then I wanted to hop in my car, and run up a grocery bill and then drive it down to those in need. This too I was unable to do. So I did as Brian suggested, and I visited one of the non-profit organizations and gave that way and just hoped that it would actually meet those that need it most! Previously, I have not posted anyone else’s photos on my blog site (save for those I’ve commissioned to be taken), but I must share these with you all with the hope that they will inspire you too to give. I intentionally chose photos that were not the most devastating because I don’t want anyone to feel like there is nothing they can do… but please do consider giving! An NBC list of organizations that are helping with this African Effort is available here.

Here are some key organizations that are providing aid in the region.
UNICEF, the UN’s children’s organization, and its partners need more money to aid children in the Horn of Africa in the coming months. Immediate measures include child immunization campaigns and water and sanitation services to ward off disease.Text FOOD to UNICEF (864233) to donate $10, enough to feed a child for 10 days or provide 321 sachets of nutrient powder to boost infant survival and development, the aid group says. - International Committee of the Red Cross
Red Cross has launched the East Africa Drought Appeal 2011 to provide emergency relief, including food, water and health assistance.Make donations online at www.redcross.org.au or by calling 1-800-811-700.
- Doctors Without Borders
In Dadaab, Kenya, Doctors Without Borders says it is treating more than 2,400 children in its ambulatory therapeutic feeding program and 130 children in its inpatient therapeutic feeding center. An additional 5,047 children with moderate acute malnutrition are enrolled in a supplementary feeding program. There are now around 10,000 people in the organization’s feeding program in the Dadaab camp.Donate here or by calling 1-888-392-0392.
- Save the Children
Save the Children has launched an effort in Kenya, Somalia and Ethiopia to feed underweight children, provide medical treatment and get clean water to remote communities. Click here for ways to give. - The World Food Programme
The World Food Programme said it is reaching 1.5 million people in Somalia now, and is scaling up to reach 2.2 million more in the previously inaccessible south of the country. It says airlifts to Mogadishu will start within a few days to bring in special nutritious foods for malnourished children.Donate $10 by texting the word AID to 27722 or make a donation online
- World Vision
World Vision says it has been fighting hunger in the Horn of Africa for years and will continue to provide food, clean water, agricultural support, health care and other vital assistance to children and families. Donate online.
- Many more are listed on the NBC website: http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/43841708/ns/nightly_news/