Jumping the Broom :: Sneak Peek

I am convinced that each wedding I photograph makes me love the occasion more and more.  You have two individuals pledging their love to each other, commiting their lives to each, exchanging vows with one another… and a sea of people that are there to take part in this significant day.  For some, the planning process has been years in the making, and they can have every detailed outlined to the shade of purple that will be on the invitations.  This past weekend, I had the honor of photographing a beautiful Pennsylvania couple at the Beale Manor in Parkesburg, PA.  The affair was decadent to say the least.  Anyway, I have much processing to do in terms of going through the many images that I captured that day, but here is a sneak peek of what is to come!  Interestingly enough, I saw Jumping the Broom at the theater last Friday, and then on Saturday, I got to witness this couple officially “jump the broom.”  Let me just say, jumping the broom is so much better when it is sans the Hollywood drama!

By the way, if you see something you like, please leave a comment below! I think there are way too many of my words on this blog!


Bride and Groom


Jumping the Broom


Checking him out


The Venue