It’s Just Politics (Part 2)

A recent road trip brought my mom and I to Kershaw, South Carolina.  Now this was only my second time stopping in the state of South Carolina, but the first time I went, I only stopped by for Easter dinner.  What both of these trips had in common was the fact that people in the South can COOK!  If you haven’t guessed by now, I do enjoy food, and somebody’s home-cooking is my absolute favorite!  Anyway, this post is not about food, but rather about the political process.  In my last post, I documented the election party that my friend had during her primary election campaign.  Well, in South Carolina, we went with friends to a different kind of election party.  Mr. Sammie Tucker, Jr. recently won the primary election in the Kershaw County Sheriff race, so he threw a party to thank all of the people that voted for him.  This party had all of the makings of a day to remember from the delectable chocolate brownies to the finger-licking bar-b-q chicken to the oh-so-moist pound cake to fresh watermelon – and I’m just talking about the food.  But the party also had crowd-pleasers, like the electric slide, the cha-cha slide, a live band playing the oldies but goodies, folks on the dance floor, and much more.  I was so glad that we were able to be a part of this celebration!  See images below.

Tucker for Sheriff

The Chicken Bone

If you don’t know by now, I really like photographing food.  This picture was an ode to down-south cooking!  Y’all, the bar-b-q chicken was so finger-licking good that I spent some time cleaning that bone.  This is as good as it got because I was trying to look dignified by eating the chicken with the plastic fork… but I had been in the comforts of my own home, I don’t think you would have seen anything left on that bone!

Old friends

The Electric Slide

What’s a dance floor without an electric slide…  I guess it depends on who’s throwing the party!

Getting down

Singing old school songs

Mrs. Nora Dancing

More sliding


Now he's singing

Even the workers were dancing

These ladies were working the registration table, but they had some choreographed moves going on as they played The Temptations!

Cracking up!

I guess this is what politicians need to be able to do really well – laugh!  It makes them look very human!

Less Color

With his pants hiked up!

Old Friends...

Friends from way back…

The Shout-Outs

Talking Politics

Talking Politics!

A Girl's Best Friend

A Girl’s Best Friend… and Truly a Show-Stopper (The Engagement Ring)!